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Stop Talking… Start Doing!


What are you putting off today? What is sitting on your desk, on your vision board, and in your mind? The world is waiting on you to make it happen!

I often talk about the benefits of taking quick action. I believe that putting off what should be done now for later is one of the biggest hindrances to profit and productivity we face. Whether it is your personal life and growth in faith. Or even if it is your million dollar idea that will change the world. It’s not an exaggeration to say that procrastination is an epidemic that is effecting our personal and corporate productivity.

Hebrews 12:1(NIV) 12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,


I’ve listed a few points that need to be taken to change your results instantly. If you can relate to these points, take action now to change your behavior. The sooner you stop procrastinating, the sooner your productivity and profits will begin to soar!

Profitable versus Easy. You only get so many hours in one day. You use the majority of them sleeping, eating, driving from place to place, and, hopefully, spending time with loved ones. That leaves you a few hours for actual work – for some it’s six hours, some it’s ten — but whatever the amount, you must use your work time wisely.

If you are in the habit of doing everything that’s easy, first, you are crippling your output. Often, the most important tasks are the most difficult. Start your day by tackling your hardest projects so they’re not hanging over your head all day, or all week. It can help to take one big project and break it down into smaller pieces — three lists of ten steps is easier to manage than one list of 30! Successful people work hard every day! Make each hour and each day count for you by avoiding procrastination and doing what’s necessary.

Personal Goals before Corporate Objectives. Sometimes, employees put off what’s important to their employer because of personal agendas. This can work two ways — they may be concerned with personal goals and personal matters which get in the way of their work — or they may have opinions about corporate priorities that differ from the company’s leadership. It is essential to ensure your team is on board with what your vision is… build an excellent team for optimum results.

Either way, it’s vital that you, as an employee, put aside your personal matters and opinions and focus on what is important to your boss. If you have a suggestion, bring it to them in a respectful way and gracefully accept their decision, whether it agrees with your perspective or not.

Commit today to spend your work time working. It’s likely that you’ll end up with more time for yourself when you’re done anyway!





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