Ready to Quit that Career? Here Are Some Inside Details on how!
I have talked to many career women, especially millennials who are unhappy in their jobs and need the extra push to start a business or to transition into a new field. Changing career paths isn’t an easy goal to accomplish, especially for women like myself who have invested five-plus years in a profession.
Here, I have listed some instructions that have helped me work towards my career goals. I hope you find them useful in your journey.
Change your perception
What is your perception of your situation? Are you only focusing on the things you do not like about your job? Instead of walking into work every day with a negative mindset, try focusing on the big picture. Focus on goals that will get you that promotion, find you a better job, allow more flexibility, or start a business. Work towards changing the things you can and learn to accept the things you cannot change. Perception is everything. Which lens will you choose to view your situation? The lens of misery and defeat? Or the lens of hope and progress?
Make a plan
In order to get out of an unfulfilling career, you must put together a realistic exit strategy. (I like to call this OPERATION EXIT) I see a lot of influence’s pushing others drop everything and quit their jobs. I have a family that depends on my support, student loans, and a coffee habit (don’t judge); therefore walking away from my paycheck without another source of income wasn’t an option at all. Planning your exit is the most responsible and appropriate way to leave a job.
Below, I have created a list of items you should consider when working on your exit strategy:
A 6-12 month financial plan. (save some cash people)
Date to reach your goals. (due date)
Resources needed. (get some education)
Weekly/monthly/quarterly evaluation of goals.
Skills you need to gain or polish.
The worst and best case consequences.
Your support system – family, friends, and peers.
Make it a priority
Your goals won’t work unless you do. That means you may have to say no to brunch invites, watch less TV, and work on the weekends. Suck it up, put on your big girl panties, and handle it. Imagine all of the progress you can make with 6 months of dedication and action towards your goals. Working as little as 1.5 hours per day after work would give you 270 hours of time invested.
Are you working towards a career change? I would love to hear your story, please share in the comments below.
LaShanda Gary