In life and in business, if you truly want to play a bigger, stronger, wiser and bolder game in 2016 (or any year) there are three areas that you should focus on to ensure your success. If you’re going to make bold moves and GO BIG this year, each of these areas have a significant role in empowering you to succeed. Give them great care so that you can live your biggest and best year ever – in your business and in your personal life. Don’t shrink back!
Decide to GO BIG now! Focus on these four areas as you begin your big year:
1. Make Bold Moves In Your Connections To achieve high levels of success, you must focus on your connections. I often say that you are just one connection away from your biggest breakthrough! You need to get out, show up, meet new people, and associate with those on the next level.
You can’t run a successful business sitting at your desk all day. Even in our technological age, with social media, email, texting and all the rest – face-to-face, personal connections are as important as they ever were. You have to be bold! You have to do something you’ve never done to get the results you’ve never had. Your connections matter!

2. Make Bold Moves In Your Marketing To be successful in business, you have to market yourself, your brand, and your products and services. You can’t be afraid to market your business. Sometimes entrepreneurs are intimidated by the idea of marketing because they don’t want to seem “salesy.” This attitude of fear will not get you to the success you desire.
Good marketing is about speaking to your audience in your authentic voice. When you do this, you will attract those people who need what you have to offer. How will you get your message out there? How will you let your ideal clients and customers know that you can solve their problems? How will you drive traffic to your website? How will you get people into your store? Answer these questions and create a marketing plan for the year. Your boldness in marketing will lead to new levels of success.
3. Make Bold Moves In Your Products and Services It’s time to turn that idea into income. It’s time to write that book that you’ve been sitting on for the last year, and publish it! It’s time to launch that service that you know is needed in your community.
It’s time to get booked for speaking engagements and deliver that message you know people need to hear. It’s time to create those products and services that are inside you, waiting to come out! We often delay producing new products, and we have a multitude of excuses. “I don’t have the funding.” “The time isn’t right.” “I’m too busy.” “The plan isn’t quite right.” You have to put aside all your excuses and just move forward and execute. You’ll never get results from an idea you don’t act on. Get creative and make bold moves in product creation. The world needs what you have to offer!
Often entrepreneurs are held back because they don’t even know what they need to know. I’ve been there and I know how frustrating it can be. In my Dream Big coaching program I can help you find clarity so you can focus your efforts on the right things and not waste time on the wrong ones.
Now it’s time to start making bold moves to have a big year in 2016. Taking fast action and zeroing in on your number one focus to achieve your greatest desires. It’s time you do what it takes to get radical results, fast in your business and life.
If this article has helped you in any way…get started winning with us now. Here are your opportunity to take immediate action and ensure your success this year! Visit our Dream Store for details of our coaching programs!
