5 Productivity Apps that Lower My Stress, Keep me Organized and Help Me Run my Business!
As a tech lover with a planner problem, I am often asked about how I use digital tools in conjunction with analog planners to keep myself organized. I still love using my iPhone and apps to keep me productive. My planner is wonderful, but there will always be things my planner can’t do like make a noise to alert me of a calendar event, or play some relaxing music when I’m feeling pressured and overwhelmed. There are just always going to be some things my iPhone will be used for that help me with my productivity and that doesn’t diminish or take away from my paper planner, instead, when the two work together, I get more done! So today I want to share with you the 5 Productivity Apps that Lower my Stress, Keep me Organize and Help Me Run my Business!

White noise is a sound machine application that can play a variety of different sound effects. The idea behind this app is that you can use the generic sounds as “white noise” to help you drown out ambient sounds around you while you work, study or just try to relax. I love the array of nature sounds the app has to offer, plus some interesting sounds I don’t think you normally think of as being relaxing like a boat swaying in waves or a hairdryer blowing.

Audible is an online platform where you can purchase and listen to books on tape. I have been subscribed to audible.com for about a year now and I absolutely love the service. As someone who is interested in books, but doesn’t enjoy the act of reading a physical book, Audible helps me stay current with popular books but gives me the ability to listen while I work, clean the house or take a walk. It’s amazing how quickly time flies when you are listening to a book on tape- it makes unpleasant tasks so much more manageable for me! If you have not yet tried Audible and are considering giving it a try, I have a great offer you won’t want to miss. Click here to get not one, but 2 FREE Audio Books when you sign up for a free trial of the service. Usually you only see offers for one free book, so this is a way better deal, and witch titles that sell for $30-40 in the platform, this is a major money saver!

My package is a parcel tracking application that stores the tracking information for online orders and then keeps you up to date with the progress of your shipment. As someone who buys a lot of products online, this app makes it easy for me to track my packages in one place without having to manually enter the tracking information for multiple packages into multiple carrier websites. It’s such a time, and peace of mind, saver!

Dropbox is one of the most popular cloud based storage applications. I’ve had a Dropbox account for a number of years for FREE and I use mine to store important business documents and information that I may need to access when I am away from home. As someone who runs a completely digital business, storing files in the cloud gives me the ability to share files from whatever device I have with me, from my iPhone, laptop, or someone else’s computer if I’m away from home! It’s very convenient. Although Dropbox gives you web-based access to your account, I keep the app installed on every one of my gadgets!

Clear is a list making application that I love to use for miscellaneous lists and notes. Since I don’t use my planner as a notebook, I find that when I need to make a “mental note” of something, I add it to a list in my Clear app. I keep tons of different open lists in the application that I add to. Lists with business ideas, quotes, website links, books to read, you name it, I have a list for it! The best part of the app is that once you have completed an item on a list, you can swipe to the right to complete the item and it makes a very satisfying *ding* as the item fades and falls off the list. It’s the digital equivalent of the high you get from checking an item off a to-do list!
So those are the 5 Productivity Apps that Lower My Stress, Keep me Organized and Help Me Run my Business! I hope you have enjoyed this post and that it gave you some inspiration for a new app you can download for your own productivity needs! If you have your own favorite productivity apps I’d love to hear about them so please leave me a comment down below and tell me about which apps you love that keep you on track! Visit today to find out other tips! http://www.ldgaryceo.com
Purpose Driven,