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As an entrepreneur, you’re always looking for the next strategy, next big idea or innovative way of doing something. You can literally be inspired by anything. Last week I as definitely inspired and I learned a few lessons. Here are the top 3:

  1. Real bosses can come up even when they mess up –

Am I the only one who saw Simone Biles commercial frenzy? This lady literally got a check for having fun. Genius entrepreneurs find a way to capitalize off of everything and turn obstacles into opportunities. Instead of dropping her head in defeat after they slight balance beam blunder, she stood tall, took ownership for her mistake and ended up getting paid for it, not once but TWICE!

  1. Even if your competition is ahead of you at the moment, it doesn’t mean you can’t win!

One of the big stories behind this game was the fact that the USA Women’s track team ran a STANDOUT semifinal to qualify for the finals. Literally by themselves, they were disqualified in error. Oh, yes then they took the number one spot by winning gold.

Even if your competition is ahead of you right now, don’t let that discourage you from running your best race by sharpening your skills and keeping your eyes on the prize.

  1. Use your powers for good and God will continue to bless you

Although I was already a Usain Bolt fan, he really won my heart with the message behind his latest team- focus. In it, he shares powerful pro-team messages that the world needs to hear. But even more than just embracing his skillset, he’s also uses his success to give back. You will also notice a major part of his platform always turn back to his native Jamaican culture to show mad love. I’m convinced that this drives Usain Bolt’s grace as the Champ of the TRACK… and he never takes credit for his talent.

When you are a BOSS for yourself, you always have to be on the lookout for hidden messages and lessons. Next time you’re tuned in to your favorite show see if you can turn that entertainment into education.


LaShanda Gary



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