Who Is This Course For?
Who This Is For:
✔️ A woman entrepreneur who is an author, coach, stylists, bakers, speakers, consultant and or expert that has people interested to working with or has had past clients customers but hasn’t had anyone pay them thousands of dollars to work them
✔️ Confident in their skill sets and expertise
✔️ Understand the importance of branding, marketing the online presence and branding but wants to know what they MUST HAVE to make it effortless to enroll high paying clients
✔️ Does not have premium or high ticket offers in their business but wants to know how to create them and have people pay for them
✔️ Has a desire to implement quickly so they can start seeing high cash infusion days now
✔️ Desires to have sales on autopilot
✔️ Is not in financial distress and can comfortably use cash, savings or credit cards to invest in her business now
✔️ Doesn't mind investing in her business because she knows she is very close to figuring this out and feels confident giving the right tools and skill sets can make it back
In this class you will learn to:

Expand your Brand and Leverage Your Expertise
Evolve your product line BEYOND 1 – 2 products so that you can take your profit to the next level. More products, More money!
Hear what our clients are saying.

Sammantha Lowe
Although I knew this inherently, it was eye-opening to hear again that God will not bless us with gifts and talents in the marketplace that we can't use in ministry. This helped my marketing view, I now understand my marketing is directly connected to my purpose.

Victoria Lereux
I went from living paycheck to paycheck to 5 figures! The confidence Coach LaShanda gave me has been life-changing! My bank account is literally booming now.

Sonija Rehame
My entrepreneurial journey has been a two-year work in progress. In the last 10 months or so, I feel like the tide is finally starting to turn. The last month has particularly intensely filled with all sorts of obstacles. I'm working on launching one aspect of my platform but I know there's so much to do and to come. Without the marketing expertise, I definitely would not see the revenue coming in and finally have the correct clients for my brand.

Website Audit
Social Media Audit
Brand Audit
Image Audit
2 x 62 Minute Group Virtual Session
Idea To Income Virtual Course

Act now and receive over $2,000 in this NEVER before released Bonus package all purposely created to MARKET your BRAND over the top.


In fact, when you join us for this course, you’ll learn:
What your brand archetype is on social media and the type of content you should post for your business, lifestyle, and personality.
How to create gorgeous content WITHOUT a professional camera (or a #PhotographerFriend!)
The closely guarded apps and tools used by the biggest Influencers and Social Brand pros
How to increase your engagement in a matter of days
How to plan picture perfect post ahead of time in a stress-free, organized way
The secret to selling on with image collateral without annoying your followers or being sleazy
How to organize your feed to attract major brands and partners
The “invisible” marketing tactics the biggest accounts are using that you wouldn’t know just by looking at their page
How to use Stories to deepen your bond with your audience and generate more business
…and so much more!
Your Investment
Each participant is expected to make your weekly payments AND complete the course in its entirety. Any payment modifications made AFTER the payment series starts and for ANY reason will result in a $50 administrative fee PER modification. Each person participating in this course agrees to these terms. By completing the application to save your seat, you agree that you are responsible for the TOTAL cost of this program. If you leave the program, you will be charged for the balances owed and the cost of any bonuses.
5-Week Course
2 Bi-Weekly LIVE Sessions hosted by LaShanda
2 Bi-Weekly Q and A’s for you to get answers NOW!
Website Audit
5-Week Course
Social Media Audit
Brand Audit
Idea To Income Virtual Course
Marketing Calendar, MMC Insta Download, Marketing Review
How To Use Your Competition To Get Insight On A Buying Audience
How To Turn Questions Into Content & Coins
Private Group Access
$397 or $74 Down/ $74 per week for 4 weeks